Friday, February 29, 2008

Phrase Friday and an update

Update first:

H is alright. He got some medicine last night, so he rested very well. Today he was able to work and he got in to see a chiropractor. He's stiff and sore, but he will be just fine. The car will be fine, too. He got one estimate today and will work on getting a few more before he talks with the adjustor.

Phrase Friday:

M was turning them out today.

On the way to school this morning she said, "Uh-oh, pe-di-ohs." I think she was saying "Uh-oh, spaghetti-os!" Where did she learn that??? I have NO idea.

On the way to Target, she told me she was hungry and wanted ice cream. I told her I didn't have any ice cream. Her response? "Yes, oo do. In fij-oo-a-tor." Yes you do. In the frigerator. Oh, more secrets from her.

When we left Target, she had gold fish and I had a big of DELICIOUS potato chips. She was munching away happily until I opened my chips. "Mommy, I want diff-ent one." She wanted a different one! As in MINE. Her philosophy on life is "What's mine is MINE. What's yours is mine, too."

Send me some fun phrases from your Friday.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 over, please

I should have known when my eyes opened at 7:08 this morning that I just needed to stay in bed. If I'd stayed in bed, my family would have had a better day. Can someone please hit rewind so we can try again?

What went wrong?
I woke up late.
M was rushed this morning.
H was late for work.
I was late for school.

Whew...thought I had the rough part finished. HA. Hardly.

At roughly 12:24, H called my cell phone and left a voice mail that sounded something like this: "Honey, don't get upset when you get home. I'm not able to get much done during lunch today. I've been in a wreck."


As soon as I got the message, I called right back to check on him. Did he need me to leave school? Was he okay? No and yes. The car is drivable, but definitely in need of some work. Luckily (I think), H was hit by an employee of our local water company, so all expenses related to the accident will surely be paid. The silver lining in this very dark cloud is that at least we know the guilty party has insurance. (One funny aside: the driver of the truck said to H, "Dang it, I"m going to have to go back and get a drug test." I'm not sure if that means he's worried about it or if he'll be on leave-without-pay until the results come back!)

I e-mailed several of my friends that I knew would pray for H. I found it interesting that only about 30 minutes later, I have another voicemail from my dear friend, Andi. I thought, "How sweet of her...she got my e-mail and is calling to check on H." Oh, is not that simple. Andi has been struggling with a health issue for several months now. Today it became pretty critical and she had to leave her school to see her doctor. Instead of waiting to do surgery next week, he did it today. Please drop by and send a little prayer for her. She's going to need it in the next few days as she recooperates.

Score for the day: slept late, wreck, friend in surgery.

It still gets worse.

I had a 4:00 appt to consign some of M's old clothes. I left school at 3:40, EARLY mind you, so I could be there on time. My car won't start. YEP, you read that right. My stinkin' car WOULD.NOT.START. Who did I call? H. I begged him to come pick me up so I could make it to my appt on time. Did he? Oh, yes...yes, he did. That man is my hero some days. He was there in 20 minutes.

Oh, gets worse. I took my clothes to the consignment. All went well there.
During the two minutes that took, H decides (he followed me because my gas light was on and he didn't want me stranded if the car didn't start again) that he's hurting pretty bad and needs to see a doctor. I grab M from her school, dash her to my sweet friend Susie's house, and meet H at the doctor.

He was at the doctor's office at 4:20ish. He just walked in the door and it's 8:00. Almost 4 hours at the doctor's office. I'm off to find out what the doctor said.

Can someone please promise that tomorrow will be a better day?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How tired are you?

We're pretty tired at our house.

M sobs into her cereal bowl this morning for a full five minutes before I risk asking her what her problem is. Her response? (Wailing) "Mommy. I till tired. I need go back my cib." (Mommy. I'm still tired. I need to go back to my crib.)

Me? I'm working on one project at a time, checking it off, then hitting the ground running to finish the next project before the deadline passes. What happened to SIMPLIFY???? The concept alludes me right now. I wrote everything on the calendar tonight and it took my breath away.

I'm going to get a tattoo on my forward this weekend. The word NO.

But I haven't exactly overcommitted. It's just the business of life that has all collided on my March calendar. Luckily spring break is at the end of March. 9 glorious days with M that I will NOT overbook. We'll stay in our pajamas all day and read books and watch as much Curious George as I can stand (okay, okay...maybe 1/2 as much as I can stand). Maybe we'll even take a picnic one day.

What's going on in your life? Are you feeling some spring fever?

Monday, February 25, 2008

MBS: Gratitude

Tracey asked what emotion our image evoked this week. Mine is gratitude.
Thanks for coming back to us, sweet brother.
For more emotional posts, visit Tracey.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'm returning.

The next few weeks might be touch and go. This week is relatively calm, but the first week in March is a whirlwind.

I'm also returning with a friend. That stupid, painful red friend that visits every month. And I'm sick that she decided to make her ever-faithful appearance.

I want a baby. I want to feel those first flutters. I want to count weeks. I want to THROW UP. I want the pain of labor because I want a brother or a sister for M. I want sleepless nights and poopy diapers and hours of pacing.

We'll try again.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Just a quick interruption of my self-inflicted computer break.

M was in a TERRIBLE mood this afternoon. Arguing, crying, whining. If twelve year old girls do it, I was living it this afternoon.

At dinner time, I offered her all of her favorites only to be screamed at. I lost my temper then and told her to GO AWAY. She went to the red chair and cried a while. Finally she ate some yogurt. Then she asked for crackers. I asked if she wanted peanut butter with them. Yes. No. Yes. NO! She responded. Finally, she agreed to some peanut butter.

I was on the phone and washing dishes. I heard that delightful laughter that I love. That should have been my very first clue that something was up. Instead, I smiled to myself, kept chatting, and washed a few more dishes. After a few moments (not TOO long), I noticed the dog running back and forth and M's laughter became more infectious.

Imagine my SHOCK when I looked up and saw our 90 lb chocolate lab COVERED in peanut butter.

Yes, fellow toddler moms, I've entered the world of toddler pranks.

Every time Mocha would run by M, she would dip her hands in her peanut butter and run her hands along Mocha's back. Mocha's back was COMPLETELY covered in peanut butter and my daughter was having the time of her life.

My evening went from this schedule: sewing, finishing some cards (sorry Mandaroo and Arizaphale!), and knitting.

To this schedule: washing a 90 lb chocolate lab, WHO HATES WATER, outside in the winter. Fun times, fun times.

But my kid laughed. How I love that laugh...oh, how I love that laugh.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Blog Break

I'm taking a much needed "computer" break.

Nothing is wrong. We're all fine. I've just got some other projects I need to devote my time to right now.

I've been busy: sewing, having family here for a few days, mothering. Living life, really.

I'll be back soon--hopefully over the weekend.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Give-in Mommy

There once was a mommy. A very good mommy. A mommy with a delightful little two year old who still sucked a pacifier.

One evening, a little over a month ago, that good mommy cut about half of the paci off. Each evening, the delightful two year old would say, shaking her head, "It till bwoke, Mommy." Then she'd pluck that "bwoken" paci in her mouth and drift off to the land of nod.

On the morning of Tuesday, February 12, that sweet angel woke up just a few minutes before her mommy's alarm went off, so the mommy and the girl gathered up all the snugglies, paci, and baby and went for some cuddle time in Mommy and Daddy's BIG bed. Oh, there were some sweet cuddles that morning.

That evening, at bed time, the mommy could find the snuggles and the baby, but NO PACI. The paci was NOWHERE.TO.BE.FOUND.

Did the Mommy take the high road and tell the sweet girl that the paci was missing? Oh, no, she most certainly did not. She has a gazillion papers to grade, so she gave her sweet darling an old paci that was NOT BWOKEN. Yes, yes, yes...that mommy folded.

Would you like to know what that delightful little girl said?

"Oh, MOMMY! Mommy fix my paci! It no bwoke!" And she laughed. "It tate good!" (It tastes good!) "Daddy, Daddy! Mommy fix my paci!" Laughter.

And that friends, about sums up my character. In the face of something difficult, take the easy way out.

Now I must tackle that monsterous pile of papers I need to grade. At least M is sleeping peacefully in her room.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Saturday afternoon we ran to a local park to take some pictures--the light was so great! I got a lot of great shots of M. I like this one so much because I like the composition. It could use a little editing to brighten it up a bit, but I'm leaving it as is for now.

For other MBS, visit Tracy at Mother May I?
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Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm slowly rising from the exhaustion of this dreadful cold. Our temperature outside right now is nearly 70 degrees, but should plummet later this week. I'm very hopeful that the last of this cold will be gone so I can handle the change in temperature. I'm sure that's why M got her cold and I was just lucky enough to be coughed on a gazillion times.

Now on to the good stuff!!! Arizaphale and Mandaroo are the winners of the card giveaway!!!

If you are interested in a set for yourself or a gift for someone else, I'll gladly make you a set (6) for a small fee (M's college tuition--just kidding). How about $10? Six cards for $10...seems pretty fair. Just leave a comment if you're interested.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Under the Weather

Hello Bloggy world (echoes inside my head)--

I'm still under the weather. I obviously haven't announced the winners of the cards. I will do that sometime this weekend. I obviously didn't do Phrase Friday yesterday. I'll catch up next week. I obviously don't have many pictures for 365 Project. I'll post what I have later.

Today, a friend of mine's daughter is having her first birthday.
I have a funeral to attend.
I need help with a knitting project, so I need to go to the knitting store.

What do I want to do? Make a pot of tea and read a book in my bed all day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Parent Police

Dear Police,

No need to coerce. I'll make my confession now. Whining and stomping feet are not necessary.

Yes, I was the parent tonight who YEARNED for bedtime to come just a few minutes quicker. Yes, I wanted someone to come save my daughter from her mother. Yes, yes, yes, if the TV had been plugged in, I would have plunked her down in front of it for hours.

But, Officer, I have good reason for ALL of these offenses. I am so tired today. M has so graciously shared her cold with me...wasn't that kind of her? My little shadow and I share everything: juice, dinner, baths, pillows, pacis, an occassional toothbrush and now colds. My head has been pounding and I can only breathe out of one nostril. I disciplined other people's children all day. I just wanted to come home to a quiet, peaceful house.

What did I get instead? A whiny, needy, fussy, grouchy two-year old who wanted my undivided attention and wanted to help with EVERY.SINGLE.TASK.
Get the mail: Stomping in the puddle.
Turn on the computer: On my lap "typing."
Make a pot of tea: "No, dis one, Mommy. Now wadda (now water). Hot, Mommy, no touch."
Get the noodles off the top shelf: On the step ladder with me.

Officer, I know all those things sound cute and helpful and most days I can handle it. But not today. I just couldn't handle the whiny voice. The crying every time the dog took one step too close. "Hol-ju-me" every time I took a step.

Don't lock me up forever, please. Just give me a good 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep and some cold medicine. I really don't need a lot. I'll be a good mother again tomorrow...or maybe Friday.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fabric Purchases

H and I went to a Jo-Ann's while we were in Savannah. I found the cutest fabric there...check it out!

M's birthday outfit for next year. (Have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet, but I loved it so much!)

Summer dress (yellow suckers will be the dress, pink stripes will be the ruffles)

M's outfit for the strawberry patch. I think I'll make a cute little shirt and a pair of pants. On the shirt, I'll do a polka-dot ruffle and on the pants, a strawberry ruffle.
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Savannah, Part I

We spent the weekend in Savannah, our little vacation spot. I grew up there and my parents still live there (lucky us!). We have free access to the beach, to the founding city of GA, and to a wonderful pair of grandparents! My parents invited us down to attend a literary festival. H played golf with my two brothers while the rest of us (OB, Nona, M, and me) went downtown to attend the festival. We had a blast. Me really enjoyed making her cupcake, but preferred the goody on top to the gooey goodness of the icing and moist cake under that.

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Savannah, Part II

I LOVE historic Savannah. I love old meets new. I love Kress meets GAP meets FedEx.
I love my parents. And they love each other. How much luckier could I be?
I love architecture.
I love culture. How fun to be wandering along and here she is!

These are just a few more shots from our trip to Savannah. You REALLY should go there sometime. It's a sweet treat.
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Monday, February 4, 2008


For other delicious MBS, visit Tracey at Mother May I?
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Sunday, February 3, 2008

365 Project

January 30th: M's newest chore--feeding Mocha

January 31st: Dinner thawing

January 31st: Hot water heater explodes, life takes on some unexpected busy-ness. No pictures until Saturday, but am saving those for next week. I'm not beating myself up over not having pictures from Friday. It just didn't happen. I also didn't take a picture today, but THAT IS OKAY.

I'll draw a name for the cards tomorrow and e-mail the winner!!
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365 Project

January 27th: Bathtime
January 28th: M's breakfast and clothes
January 29th: H shaving (and making a silly face). He did mention that he'd like a few flattering photos on the blog. I'll work on that this week.
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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Savannah Book Festival

We're here.

It seems like it took forever, but we're here.

We arrived around 11:00 last night. LONG ride down. It was our fault. We had to return the carpet cleaner, get M a bite to eat, a Starbucks for the adults. Finally, we were on the road around 8. M slept like a champ last night and made it until 8 this morning. She might have gone a little longer, but Uncle Zach had to take a shower.

The boys played golf all day (my brothers and H). My parents, M and I hit the streets of historic Savannah for a literary festival. It was fantastic! This was the city's first attempt and I think it went smashingly well. They had a section set up for children with cupcake decorating (M preferred the decorations to the cupcake), bookmark and picture frame crafting, a small petting zoo (snakes, hedgehogs and the like), music. I didn't see any books for children, so that was a tad bit disappointing. We did skip one book tent, so maybe that was the kid's book tent. My dad bought several books for himself and was able to get them signed. That was perhaps the most interesting thing to me: meeting the authors. I love literature so much that I build up the author in my mind. These authors looked like normal people, the talked like normal people...shock of all shockers, they ARE normal people!

We did some shopping around town. I got the COOLEST, HIPPEST red bag ever. I can't wait to transfer all my stuff to the new bag. I'll take a picture of it, but don't get too jealous. It's fantastic. I also bought some fudge from a neat little candy shop and learned all about the process of making fudge and how the candy master must make adjustments according to the humidity in the air. On top of all that, I was able to stop at my two favorite places in the world: the tea shop and the paper shop. I got a few gifts at the tea shop and some Christmas stuff at the paper shop.

Pictures to come Sunday. I'll post my 365 Project when I got back. Don't forget about this post!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Phrase Friday

My new notebook is working out well! I've got THREE phrases for you today.

Last Sunday morning, M woke up early that morning, so I brought her to my bed to snuggle for a few minutes while I tried to shake the cobwebs from my brain. H slept in the den and came to bed for a few extra minutes of snooze time before I made him get up, too--he came up after M was in our bed.
When I was bathing her, H asked "What time did M wake up and come into our bed?"
"Just a few minutes before you came up," I replied. "She needed some cuddle time."
M piped right in and said, "No, CUBBERS time, Mommy. No cubbers time."

I think it's so funny that she now takes part in OUR conversations. She's learning social cues and is able to follow the banter of conversation. What a huge milestone.

When we drive home, the afternoon sun is extremely bright and often in M's face the entire way home. She turns her head one way and then the other trying to find a shadowy spot. She gets so aggrevated. "Moon, GO AWAY ME!" (Okay, so we're working the sun vs. moon thing)

Now the not so funny phrase...the one that's gotten M in LOTS of trouble this week. Wednesday morning we were on the way to school and I was talking to her. She said, "Stop talking me, Mommy." Oh, two year old told me to stop talking to her. And not once. TWICE on the way to school. I told her if she said that again, there would be a punishment. On the way home Wednesday, she said it again. Needless to say, there was a consequence Wednesday afternoon. Repeat scene Thursday evening on the way home from an event at my school.

Just a few other things: Our hot water heater exploded yesterday. Yes sir, it was a fun day around here.

I won't post 365 Project tomorrow because we'll be out of town. Also, because of the hot water heater problem, I cheated on my challenge a little. I'll post my pictures Sunday.

And don't forget this post...contest will go until Sunday evening!