Friday, July 29, 2011

No if...when

I'm cleaning out the house as we prepare for a yard sale tomorrow. My goal was to try to get rid of at least 1/2 the stuff we own, either donating it or selling it. I think I 1/8 of what we own.
But what's most astonishing to me is that I am completely, one hundred percent okay with getting rid of baby stuff. There is no feeling of "what if there's another baby?" If there's another baby, it won't have the massive quantity of stuff Meryt and Luke have had. If there's another baby, most of what it has will be borrowed or bought second hand. If there's another baby, we'll know we don't need as much gear as we thought we'd need. If there's another baby, we'll be shocked beyond belief! :)
For the first time in about 5 years, there is absolutely no looking to the future, wondering "if...when." The wish has been granted. The prayer answered.
It is well...with my soul.


Arizaphale said...

Amen sister. Good luck with that clearing out thing. I do it from time to time and then and a few years later where's that x I used to have which I could really use now.....? But mostly, you never miss the stuff :-)

Rose said...

Such wonderful blessings, eh? I'm so happy to hear that "it is well with your soul".

I've tried to get rid of a lot of stuff too. But then... Well I tried.
As for the baby stuff, though - buh-bye! Some of it bought new camera gear!