OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw your FB status last night and meant to write...sounds like your preggers, but I forgot!!! I am beyond excited for all of you...enjoy enjoy and keep us posted on everything!!!! How far along are you????
2009: Trust. Noun. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc, of a person or thing; confidence. Confident expectation of something; hope. 2008: Simplify. Verb. Make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent.
Oh my goodness!!!! Yay!!!! Sending virtual hug your way!!! Natalie, this is the best news! Congratulations!
Oh Natalie!!! I am overjoyed for you. This is the best week I've heard all week...no, month! Congratulations, my friend. It was finally HIS time!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw your FB status last night and meant to write...sounds like your preggers, but I forgot!!! I am beyond excited for all of you...enjoy enjoy and keep us posted on everything!!!! How far along are you????
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! Such awesome news!!!! Praise God!!
HOORAY! Showering you, H, and M with thoughts of congratulations and praying that this is just the first part of your answered prayers.
Wow!!! I'm thrilled for you all!!!
You literally brought tears to my eyes with your email at school.
What a miraculous event...THANKS be to our God from whom all good things come!!
That's all. I am just grinning from head to toe.
<3 <3 <3 <3
(That's a heart for each of youxxxxx)
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