Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Had a good day?

So glad to report that my sweet M is back, although three is turning out to be a tad more difficult than two was. There is more limit pushing, more sassiness, more "big girl" behaviors. It sort of takes my breath away.

We're frantically busy around here as we prepare for the big birthday party this weekend. I doubt I'll be posting or reading much until next week. I hope all is well in your bloggy-world and in your reality. I look forward to catching up when all is said and done and we've had long naps.


Kyla said...

Hope the party is WONDERFUL!!

Maggie said...

Glad to hear that things are getting better. And ditto what Kyla said -- I hope the party is great!

Christina said...

Oh dear, I really am a bit scared of three! Hopefully it won't be too hard on any of us. Sending best wishes for a fantastic party!!!

Arizaphale said...

Looking forward to party pix. Three will be fine, you'll see.