Friday, March 5, 2010

March is here?

I gasped when February was gone and March arrived. Not so much because it came in like a lion, which is did, but because two whole months have escaped from me in 2010! Is there some weird thing that happens as you grow up that time begins to move at super speed?

Can it possibly be March 5 today?? Already? My goodness!

We have a full month planned. Last night we went to an amazing concert with many of our favorite Christian artists. It was magnificent. We're planning a trip to the Big City to see the Harlem Globetrotter's later this month. My favorite festival in town will be here in the middle of the month! At the end of the month, my brother will graduate from the Police Academy, so we'll be on our way to visit my family for a weekend.

I'm going to try to follow my sweet friend Kyla's advice and make time to enjoy this month. To take time to slow down and enjoy M and her precious little personality, sassiness and all.

I hope you'll do the same: enjoy the changing season.


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I feel the same way. I can't seem to accomplish anything. Time is going to fast. Everything I wanted to do in January wasn't done... and now it's not even February anymore. March. I'm not quite sure how to catch up with time.

MG said...

Yay for the Cherry Blossom festival!!! Please bloom, trees!!!

Kyla said...

Craziness be darned! We will enjoy the spring! :)