Holy counting, Batman!!!
M just counted to 23. One to one correspondence!!!
Maybe your young four year old can do that, but I'm super impressed!
Watch out, Harvard. Here we come!
(Picture of what she was counting will come later. We're going to embark on a huge craft project, per her request.)
ETA: Here are pictures of M doing her "craft project."

A little explanation about the one to one correspondence excitement: M has been counting to 20 for a while. It sounds like this: one, two, three. . .eleven, twelve, thirty, fourteen, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighteen, nineteen, twenty." Sometimes she'll keep going, sometimes she'll stop. This afternoon, I asked her how many wooden tags she wanted to paint. Oblivious to the fact that she was
totally giving herself away, she counted each them one by one, saying each number correctly until she'd counted them all, for a total of 23! She has clearly been pulling the wool over my eyes by incorrectly saying the numbers. She can be such a little stinker and
so passive
WTG, M!!! Nadia gets to about 13 and then gets confused, LOL
Um...you know first hand as a kindergarten teacher that Meryt is brilliant!!! I have a few kids at the end of the school year who still get confused in the teens!!! :)
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