Sunday, October 24, 2010

So very thankful...and scared

Dearest Luke,

If there is one things I struggle with as you grow in my tummy is the reality that not all mama's get to bring their babies home. Truthfully, I've spent the better part of the past two weeks calming myself down, reminding myself that your appointments have been absolutely normal, that your heartrate is perfect, that you are in a great position for delivery and on and on. Little man, I have no idea what my problem is except that I lack faith that the Lord is truly blessing us with YOU! I love feeling you kick and move inside me.

We've had two baby showers and, man, oh, man, have we been blessed! I can't wait to actually hold you and dress you in all the sweet things you've been given. I can't tell you how much we are loved. There are so many people who have prayed with us and for us as we waited for you and now that you are almost here, they love to shower us with wonderful things!

You are due to arrive in 20 days. Buddy, that's less than 3 weeks! How is that possible? M is excited beyond belief--she has three "Big Sister" shirts to wear. Daddy put your car seat in the van today. Your crib is up. The bassinet sheets are being washed right now. Diapers and wipes are here and I need to put them in the changing table. I really need to sort and wash your first set of clothes so I'll have something clean to put you in when you get here. Daddy is excited that you are due on the UGA/Auburn game day. I need to find you a newborn UGA outfit to take to the hospital with us so we can put it on you as soon as you are born. 20 days!! I'm so thankful...and so scared!

I want you to know a little bit about your daddy. He is so excited about having another baby in the house. Truthfully, he's normally the one who is a little pessimistic and I'm the one who believes everything is fine and dandy. With you, he absolutely can not wait for you to get here. He was the same way with your big sister. He LOVES having babies around. Last week, he dismanted, washed, and reassembled every single bottle, the bottle holder, the baby food carousel, the car set and stroller. If you came tomorrow, he'd be ready.

You are one loved little boy. We are having so much fun looking at all the blue boy stuff. We're thankful we have a girl because we got to do the pink hairbows, butterfly, flower thing before. Now we're doing trucks, trains, dinosaurs, and tools. It's so much fun! We can't wait to see how different your personality is from M's. I know you will your own little person.

20 days, little guy. Just 20 days.

We love you,
Mama, Daddy, and M


Maggie said...

Hang in there for the last few weeks...I can't believe that Luke will be making his arrival so soon! I can't wait to meet him -- he is such a lucky little boy!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

He will be home with you before you know it!!!

I'll be thinking happy baby thoughts and sending prayers your way.

Arizaphale said...

This does my heart so much good! Having walked this virtual journey with you I can almost taste the excitement. And I fully understand your fear! All that time, longing and praying.....can it possibly be????
Can't WAIT to see him!

Susie said...

so touching nat...i am all choked up over heart longs to be there with you, showering you with gifts, coming over to see the nursery, seeing meryt in her big sister t shirt, getting the phone call that sweet luke has arrived, meeting him at the said that macon has a big hole left but the truth is that my heart has a big hole that won't ever be filled. i miss you all terribly. so very thankful that luke is almost here. praying for you as you anticipate his arrival. may the Lord's peace surround you. and squeeze disney dad for me. i can just picture him doing all those my tears are reality. i love you!

Kyla said...

20 days! It will go by in a flash! Can't wait to "meet" him. :)