Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Enjoy your 4th

I always have mixed emotions on the 4th of July.

Gratitude: For the soldiers who are fighting for our freedom. For the men and women who have sacrificed so much so that I never have to know the terror of war in my backyard.

Amazement: That we live in a country where we have the freedom to do the things we most want to do. We have choices about religion, education, entertainment. I can't imagine living in a place without that freedom.

Sadness: I don't know why, but I always feel a tad bit sad on the 4th of July. It's like a shadow at the very edges of the day. Perhaps it's for the lives lost, the empty arms of mothers, families that are not together, people who don't appreciate all that is sacrificed. Today I will recognize that sadness. And I will pray for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

I will be so thankful that we live in this country: the UNITED States of America.


Anonymous said...

A perfect post memorializing and honoring the men and women who secure our life of freedom and safety. Thanks.

Christina said...

Beautiful post, Natalie! Thanks for putting those sentiments into words.

Kyla said...

This was great. Perfect words for the day.