I'm attempting Project 365 again this year, mostly due to the really cool scrapbook kit that
Creating Keepsakes (
Becky Higgins) has created. I was online at 11:00 am Saturday to order my kit, but they were so slammed that their server crashed. It was sold out before I was able to order it. I'm going to be watching to see when I can get it and I'll post the information for you then.
I missed Monday (where was my mind???), so I'm going to do Tuesday-Friday for you now. Next week will have an entire week.
December 30, 2008

December 31, 2008
January 1, 2009 (HATE using the flash!!!!)

January 2, 2009
Okay, I must do a little editorial for this picture. Just because the story is SO funny (NOT!). Thursday morning, M found some of my nail polish and asked what it was. I told her and then painted her toenails after we did her "beauty parlor." (aka: sponge bath on the kitchen counter) It was a dream come true for me--painting my little girl's toenails...how much more "girl mommy" does it get than that? Fast forward to Friday morning. M woke up and we were snuggling in my bed. She got out of bed and found some linen spray on my dresser. She wanted to wear it like perfume, but I presuaded her to try some body splash instead. I THOUGHT all was well and I was safe to take a shower. As I was getting out of the shower, I smelled the overwhelming smell of nail polish. Oh, how my heart did pound. I rushed, dripping wet, into my bedroom, only to discover M completely covered in nail polish. She'd found my nail polish stash in the same basket with the sprays. This picture does NOT do justise to the job she did. I'm sure she started out trying to paint her toes, as all of her prettily polished toes were covered in burgandy nail polish. There was polish on her hands, on her face, near her nose. Since she can't have a bath, she was SCRUBBED from almost head to toes with cotton balls and polish remover. She kept saying, "This stinks, Mommy." Yeah, well, sorry kid.
Welcome to the 365 bandwagon! Is that nailpolish in the last photo? I sure hope not!
Yay, can't wait to see your daily pics!! That last one makes me laugh. The scene is all too familiar.
The nail polish story makes me laugh! (and feel for you) Harrison just painted my toenails the other day - that would include my toes. He loves doing it. Once they were dry I forgot about them, put socks on and ran. Only tonight did I stop and think, "oh yeah..." Most of the polish wore off my skin over the last few days. Good thing it wasn't summer - could you imagine the looks I would get from strangers if I had been wearing flip-flops?! lol.
What a nightmare!!!! Is it on your bedspread too??? Funny though....
Well done for taking on the 365 challenge. Good luck!!
GASP! Oh. My. Hope your bedding wasn't too important to you either. Looks like the broken leg is not slowing her down!
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