Sunday, February 3, 2008

365 Project

January 27th: Bathtime
January 28th: M's breakfast and clothes
January 29th: H shaving (and making a silly face). He did mention that he'd like a few flattering photos on the blog. I'll work on that this week.
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Christina said...

Yes, we do need some pictures of the hubby!
I like the one of M's breakfast and clothes set out, too.

Christina said...

You know, another thought...I bet in 20 years, this "every day" pictures are the ones that we'll really love. Just the little details that make our life what it is, pink sippy cups and all. So this challenge serves a double purpose!

Arizaphale said...

Well said Christina (as always).
I second the need for more pix of H...doesn't look like you've made much progress on this project so far :=D
Just teasing!!! I know you've been sick.