Sunday, May 18, 2008

Project 365 (Not Quite)

Okay, so my dedication to Project 365 waned a little, but I'm back. All of these pictures were taken with the new camera. We have some kinks to work out in our relationship. She doesn't quite understand that I am the alph-female and she's to do what I say when I say it.

May 12: Sneaking a snack. In that bathroom, of course.
May 12: Sleeping in the car.
May 14: Snacks at the Strawberry Field.

May 15th: Did you know that wine is a product of New York? Neither did I until one of my students brought in this little prop to help teach us about New York.
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Maggie said...

Great shots! I love the one of M eating strawberries -- such great framing!

And yes - we were at a garage sale with all the toys're too smart!

Christina said...

It's great to see you posting again! I'm sure you'll master the camera soon, there's always a learning curve. I love M's guilty expression in the first one, LOL. And her sleeping lips, so kissable!

Kyla said...

No 365 for me either. I missed whole months, I think! LOL!

Arizaphale said...

I think I have almost given up on photography. Good for you for persevering with the uncooperative camera :-)!!!
I really like M eating strawbs in the field. Nice macro shot...