Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6: Traditions

A train in the Christmas tree.
M loves trains. When we were shopping one day, we found one that wraps around the tree, so we snatched it up. M helped H put it together and couldn't wait to press the button for the inaugural trip around the tree. I have a feeling that this little train is going to provide hours of entertainment.


M puts the first ornament on the tree. We started this little "tradition" last year. She doesn't put much thought into the ornament she choses, but she thinks it's a special honor. I hope as the years progress, she'll think carefully about the ornament she puts on first.

The first ornament for 2009.


Maggie said...

So neat! And how tall M is getting -- and even cuter, how is that possible?

Arizaphale said...

What a great tradition. And the train! How cool!