Monday, November 19, 2007

Nov. 19 (Potting Training)

I'm sad to say (not really, but that's what I'm SUPPOSED to say, right?), that Potty Training Session I is over. It ended at 10:12 am this morning. M was bouncing around on my bed while I did important work on the computer. I knew we'd skipped a potty session, but I asked M every few seconds if she wanted to sit on the potty. I asked if her under gar-ments were dry. "No, potty. I dwy." At 10:12 am, I pulled myself away from my very important computer assignment to check on her. There were tee-tee spots all over my mattress and her under gar-ments were soaked front and back. That's when I decided that if she wasn't concerned about wearing wet clothes, I sure wasn't going to stress out about potty training. When she HATES wet under clothes, I'll try again. Maybe over Christmas. Maybe during spring break. Maybe next summer. Whenever she's ready, we'll try again.

Thank you, Lord, for letting my sweet little baby stay a few more months. I just wasn't quite ready to do the whole potty thing all the time.


PRUITT2it said...

Nat, when she is ready it will be a breeze! I didn't push either of my girls and both were so easy...the second more so than the first. Enjoy her diapered hiney for as long as you can...along with big girl pants comes a big girl...:( I love and miss you very much!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I'm in no rush at all with Zoe (she'll be 2 1/2 at the end of December). I just truly feel when she's ready she'll be ready. We do have the dvds to watch (Potty Time and Potty Power) Zoe likes them. She does ask occassionally to sit on the potty... and every time she asks I help her go sit. I did start using the "easy-ups" diapers. On days when she decides she wants to sit on the potty every 5 minutes until she poops (in her diaper usually!!) it's much easier than a regular diaper. We still us the "goodnights" diapers at night too.

Christina said...

I agree with the other gals...there's no reason to rush it and force the issue before she's truly ready. I'm in no hurry with Nadia. In some ways, diapers are easy!!

Arizaphale said...

You're all makin' good sense ladies. When the time is right it just happens........