Sunday, December 27, 2009


Lots and lots of family time. We "posed" for some pictures today before leaving.

OB, Nona, me, M, and H

Zach, me, H, Brooks (my aunt)

M and Uncle Zach
(I think this is my favorite picture. That is SO M!)

Four generations:
Me, Nona (my mom), GiGi (my grandmother), M, and Uncle Zach

Aunt Brooks and M


Andi said...

These are just precious pictures! You have your family's sense of humor, and I can see love all around. I am so glad you all had such a lovely time!

Kyla said...

Those are great!

Arizaphale said...

That 4 generation thing made me think....we'll never be able to take a photo like that as my grandparents all died relatively young, although maybe when the BA has a baby...wait..what am I saying....? Plenty of time for that hahahah.