Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Year of Discovery, Part III

Here I am at the third part of Christine Kane's discovery tool. The final instructions read, "Use your voice to seal your intention. Call a trusted friend or mentor. Share what you've written with that person."

So, trusted friend, I'm going to hit publish at the end of this post. I am using my bloggy voice to seal my intention of living this year to learn more about myself and dealing with the clutter that consumes my world.

Part III: Dream Big: Know Your Vision

List at least five goals--big or small--that you'd like to accomplish this year, based on the word you are choosing.

--Discovering that part of me that enjoys the clutter and letting her go. Cutting her loose.
--Declutter my house once and for all. I'd like to put away Christmas next year and say, "Ahhh, this is how I was meant to live." Not trip over toys and shoes.
--I'd like to have my credit card debt paid down by half.
--I'd like to be on the cash only system. Save to purchase.
--Most importantly, I'd like to take some time to know why, to discover, I allow my life to be ruled by chaos. I want to be open to learning more about myself as I let go of the junk.

What would be a "home run" for you in the coming year? This can be a big dream, an amount of money, a way that you live each day. Write as detailed and imperfectly as you can!

Coming home to a clean house at the end of the day. Having time to craft as much as I want because I don't feel oppressed by mess. Finding a "plan" that helps me keep the house maintained in such a way that I don't feel like I'm constantly cleaning, but that gives me enough time to do the things I really enjoy doing. Changing my attitude about my "stuff." Cooking dinner for my family regularly.

So, here we are friends. I'm publicly announcing my plan for dealing with DISCOVERY 2010. Perhaps discovery is a little vague, as all my goals have to deal with money and clutter. But I'm open to discovery changing and evolving during the year to become it's own thing, take on it's own meaning.


Kyla said...

I think the broadness of discovery is a good thing. Sure, you are going into the year with some rather specific goals, but by 2011, who knows what other things you will have discovered in your life! Life often is not what we plan for, but there is so much to be discovered in it, anyway.

Arizaphale said...

Amen Kyla.
This is a brave step Nat, to address some of these control issues. I think I'll enjoy seeing what you 'discover' and seeing how it applies to my life as well....