Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Throwing a fit

M? Throwing a fit? I know it is hard to believe, but sadly, it's true. She was Tee-TOE-TA-LEE (that is totally) p-o'd that I wouldn't give her crackers while I fixed her dinner a few nights ago. She would march in the kitchen, point at the crackers and GRUNT. I would send her back to play with her toys, where she would put her head in the chair and sob...SOB, I tell you...for about 3 seconds before she would try again. She would march into the kitchen, point to the crackers, and grunt. I would send her back to play with her toys, where she would put her head in the chair and sob again. Let me remind you, my dear faithful friends, that the sobbing--heart-wrenching, tear faced sobbing--only lasted a mere three seconds. This girl has some serious perseverence.
(Sorry for the fuzzy picture. She caught on to my sneaky, around-the-cabinet photo-op attempt and would rush back into the kitchen for her attempt at scoring some crackers. I had to be super quick so she didn't realize I was there)


Anonymous said...

Children are such sly ones at such young ages. I'm LOL! Welcome to growing up.

Stacy said...

Ah, yes, the toddler DRAMA. :) I get that all the time, too, and sorry but it just makes me laugh. I'm a mean, mean mommy.

Christina said...

Are you sure you're writing about your daughter, or did you sneak into my house and observe Nadia? Because that's her to a T. Little drama queen! I keep telling myself that her perseverance will be a good thing one day....