Saturday, December 22, 2007

Major Post Coming Soon...

with pictures of most homemade gifts. H has the van at the car repair shop (grinding breaks) and my camera is on the front seat of the van.

Until pictures are taken and uploaded, here is a mom-story for your amusement:

M loves to wash her hands. Now that she's a grown-up two year old, I usually let her play in the bathroom for a while with not-so-frequent check-ins from the mom. I'm embarrassed, but must include that confession in this story. This morning, M was washing her hands and laughing, laughing louder, really laughing. I didn't think much about it as she's learning how to amuse herself lately. One small, important detail before you read on: I could have prevented this entire story if only I'd been a little more interested in my daughter and a lot less interested in finishing the Christmas present I was working on! Then I heard a rather strange sound, sort of like the sound of OVERFLOWING WATER.

Only then I realized IT WAS OVERFLOWING WATER.


And the outrageous giggles of a two year old.

This fat mama moved pretty darn fast to get in there and shut the water off. At first, I couldn't tell why the sink was completely full of water. The stopper was on the counter beside the sink. Then I looked more closely and realized M had completely...COMPLETELY...filled the entire drain with toilet paper.

Oh, boy, did I have fun cleaning that one up.

On the other hand, this is my first "mama story" that involves a mess of some sort. M never unrolled the entire roll of toilet paper or powdered her bedroom or anything. I guess a stopped up sink is pretty minor.


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I have to say I don't yet have a major "mom story". I'm sure it's coming any time now. Sometimes I forget that even though Zoe is getting older and can do more on her own... she still really need the attention and supervision.

Arizaphale said...

Errrr...were those last two a reference to the BA??? :-) She usually only did it with a friend though. Oh, then there was the upended pot plant on the sofa....
Poor you. What a mess to clesn up...on the CARPET too!!! We don't have carpets in bathrooms much in Aus.

Christina said...

Well, we haven't had a water overflow incident...but there have been planty of toehr minor emergencies! Today it was oatmeal all over the kitchen. Dry oatmeal. Like you, I let her have a little more freedom to be in another room by herself, but that she's all grown up and two...but that can be very dangerous!

Anonymous said...

I am smiling as I read this post, as I can just imagine M's sly little smile...still innocent, yet filled with mischief! How amazing are these years...cherish even the accidents and incidents! She's growing up so very fast...